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In the majestic tropical island of Palawan, three environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and political corruption in this thrilling documentary about land defenders battling to save and preserve paradise in the Philippines.  The island of Palawan in the Philippines contains one of the oldest, largest and most diverse rainforests in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous places to be a land defender. Inside this majestic tropical island, environmental crusaders confront murder, betrayal and battle to save their home for the next generation. Bobby Chan, a local environmental lawyer, leads a bold group of renegade land protectors who guard the rainforest by peacefully confiscating and dismantling the chainsaws of illegal loggers. The battle also rages on behind closed doors. Mayor Nieves Rosento of El Nido is fighting for her political life as her entire family is slandered by her opposition with support from the land developers and infamous dictator President Rodrigo Duterte. Delikado is a timely environmental thriller on how corrupt corporate and political interests are swallowing small Indigenous communities across the globe by diminishing their resources and limiting their power, one tree at a time.
吉井裕美(三輪明日美 饰)是一个生活在大都市里的时尚女高中生,在光怪陆离、物欲横流的时代,她身上不可避免沾染着爱慕虚荣的毛病。适逢假日,裕美和好友野田知佐(希良梨 饰)、横井奈緒(工藤浩乃 饰)、高桥千恵子(仲間由紀恵 饰)一同前往涩谷挑选泳装。偶然机缘,一枚黄玉戒指打动了裕美的芳心。为了赶在百货商场关门前买到戒指,四个好友通力合作,想方设法筹钱,甚至甘愿进行援助交际。时间一分一秒地流逝,女孩们为了戒指不遗余力……  本片根据作家村上龙的同名原著改编,并荣获1999年横滨电影节最佳新人导演奖(庵野秀明)和最佳新人演员奖(三輪明日美)。


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