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在一个暴雨滂沱的日子里,森林也渐渐化作一片泽国。澎湃的雨水汇聚成河流,顺势而下,灌入了兔八哥(梅尔·布兰科 Mel Blanc 配音)的洞口。在洞里面,兔八哥兀自躺在床上睡大觉,全然不知自己已经成为水里的金鱼。睡梦中他甚至起身喝水,可当他再次躺在床上没多久,他却随着水流漂出洞口。一路漂流,兔八哥来到了邪恶科学家的城堡。此时此刻,科学家正在进行罪恶研究,他突然瞥见河里的兔八哥,于是用网子将其抓了上来。  兔八哥一觉醒来,发现自己已身处险境,此外更有恐怖的红毛怪物追杀,他必须利用智慧逃出生天……
猪肝倒是热热再吃啊 动画化决定  PV链接:
Tom chases Jerry into a fish cannery; they get sealed into cans. Tom breaks out, but falls off a pier as the cans roll under him. A shark chases him out of the water; Tom drops an anchor on the shark. Meanwhile, Jerry has been hopping in his can; Tom opens it, and puts his finger in, which Jerry bites. Jerry tricks Tom into falling off the end of another pier, and right into the shark's path again. The shark manages to get Tom into a very precarious position, barely holding the jaws apart. Jerry takes pity, and dumps a shaker full of pepper into the shark, which ends up on the processing line and stuffed into a huge can. Tom is unrepentant, so Jerry tricks him with a fake shark fin.


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