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A young woman's corpse is dumped in the library of Gossington Hall, home of Jane Marple's friend Dolly Bantry and her husband Arthur. Pompous Chief Constable Melchett suspects a connection with Basil Blake, an arty young man who lives locally but Blake is dismissive when Melchett visits him. Then Superintendent Harper rings from the coastal town of Danemouth. Ruby Keane, a young girl employed as a dancer at the Majestic Hotel there, has gone missing, and her cousin Josie Turner identifies the corpse as Ruby's. Ruby is in favour with millionaire Conway Jefferson, whose own son and daughter were killed in a wartime air raid, and he wants to adopt her. His son-in-law Mark Gaskell, and daughter-in-law Adelaide react variously to the news. Miss Marple is convinced that the solution to Ruby's murder may be found at the hotel and she and Dolly book into a suite to investigate.
1994年,一个蹒跚学步的小孩从威尔士一个小镇失踪,再也没有被找到。20多年后,年轻的天才大提琴手玛蒂尔达(Matilda Gray)的生活由于母亲突然自杀离世而发生了天翻地覆地变化。悲剧之后,玛蒂尔达开始质疑她所了解的关于自己的一切。谜团将她带到了那个威尔士小村庄。在那里,她揭露的秘密也影响着她的身世之迷的解开。
与世隔绝的海岛小渔村,忠厚善良的哑巴男孩阿水(古天乐饰)自小就没了父母,开了一个家庭旅馆兼杂货铺。阿水每天傍晚都会在面向大海的平台上打沙包,坐在木架边吹口琴。海风拂过,淡淡的生活节奏之于阿水简单而又幸福。假小子一般的女孩小四喜跟阿水很要好,几乎成了金水的翻译。然而这一切的平静生活,被一个从香港来到这个小岛度假的姑娘雯雯(蒙嘉慧饰)打破了。美丽温柔的雯雯住进了阿水家开的度假木屋里,渐渐地,她和阿水以及小四喜成为了好朋友,度过了非常愉快的几天。当雯雯就要离开的时候,阿水已经深深地爱上了她,可依旧没有勇气表白。  三年后,小四喜也离开了渔村,只有阿水一个人生活。阿水终于发现了那幅雯雯在墙上画给他的画。此刻,对雯雯万分思念的阿水终于决定去香港找她。然而意外发生了。

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